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"Light of the World," panel by MOA founder and sculptor, Steven L. Neal, has begun the bronze casting phase. "Light of the World," captures the apex of the Book of Mormon, where Jesus Christ appears and ministers unto the Nephites and Lamanites, establishes his gospel, and creates a Zion society that lasts for centuries. Neal says, "The first art piece visitors will interact with upon entering the parks will be this 10x7 foot panel. It will be set into the upper part of a 24-foot tall archway into the garden. The significance of this panel represents the beginning of Christ's ministry within the Americas." The bronze casting is estimated to be completed in April 2025. 

The "Hands of Man," (Old World) sculpted by Michael A. Hall, has begun the molding phase at the foundry, on its way to being a final bronzed statue. Housed within the Christ in America Park, this sculpture depicts people of the world worshiping Christ. These life-size sculptures surround an 18-foot Christ statue as He beckons all people to come unto Him. The people within “Hands of Man” represent the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, both the Old World and New World, and are placed at each side of the lower pool, adoring the Savior of them all. “Working on the Hands of Man has definitely been one of the highlights of my career because of the diversity of the peoples represented, and most importantly, my personal belief that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ," Michael Hall.

On November 22, Michael Aaron Hall’s First Vision monument was installed at Temple Square in Salt Lake City, UT.  The sculpture depicts a young boy looking up to God and Jesus Christ and asking spiritual questions while seeking faith and hope. Hall hopes that the monument resonates with viewers and brings them peace and happiness. “When I was creating the face of God, it was a very humbling undertaking because I tried to create something … anybody could connect to, so there are elements of all [humankind] in both the face of God and Christ,” he said.  First Vision is just one part of the five-and-a-half year redevelopment of Temple Square which features several sculptures based on the Bible.

"First Vision" created by Michael Hall
"First Vision" created by Michael Hall

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